Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Flights 61 & 62 : Key West FL to Caracas VENZ

Date: 15-July-2009
Departure: 06:40 AM
Routing: Cayo Coco Cuba > Providenciales > San Isidro > St. John's > St Lucia > Port Salines Grenada > Margarita > Caracas (Metropolitano)
Aircraft: Tobago Express Q400 and BeeWee Q200
Altitude: 4,000 feet
Miles: Total for both legs is 1,910 miles
Arrival Stats: See the "Notes" below.

Notes: Stopped for gas in St. John's. Time was 11:12. Departed 30 mins later with final arrival time 14:27. Minus the 30-minute stop gives flying time of 6.55 hours or 291 mph

I had been looking forward to this flight because I knew it would be scenic - I was not disappointed as the following photos will show!