Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Flights 68 & 69 : San Diego CA to Kenora, ONT

Date: 11-Sep-09
Departure: 06:20 AM
Routing: Diagonally across the USA
Aircraft: Horizon and Worldwide Airways Q-400s

Altitude: 23,000 feet
Miles: With a fuel stop in Rapid City, SD (90 mins to change planes) total miles was 1,441

Arrival Stats: Not counting the 90 mins stop for gas and aircraft change, total flight time was about 5 hours or 288 mph
Summary:11 months
49,056 miles
Nearly 230 hours
213.5 mph average
50 different nations

This brings us to the end of this story and this blog. What for a summary of this experience on www.flightsim.com and do check out my other blogs/links for more flight simming adventures.

Flight 67: San Luis Potosi MEX to San Diego CA

Date: 09-Sep-09
Departure: After my traumatic arrival I was ready to leave by noon
Routing: Up the Gulf of California coast
Aircraft: Pacific Airways Q-400
Altitude: 9,000 then 13,500 then down to 6,000
Miles: 1,098
Arrival Stats: Arrived at 14:25, 3.5 hours is 313 mph
225 miles to Durango
159 miles to Culiacan
202 miles to Obregon
120 miles to Hermosillo
187 miles to Punta Penasco
Just over 200 miles to San Diego
Scenic, uneventful flight into San Diego, over the city - great approach!