Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Flight 63 : Caraca VENZ to San Jose COLMB

Obviously, it's been a few months since I have flown on this project. In fact, I have been surprised how much "flow" I've been able to keep on this story-line. Well, a big, obvious break here - too much real life going on outside the sim.
Date: 01-Sept-2009
Departure: 10:08
Routing: South to Canaima, then west to Colombia
Aircraft: Aires Colombia Q200
Altitude: 6,000 feet
Miles: 965
Arrival Stats: 4.5 hours or 214 mph
Notes: I had no idea that the Q200 could stay in the air this long! Granted, I wasn't trying to fly very fast but .... dang!

I have a Colombia Land Class Mesh installed and it put the river nearby up in a trough. Other than that it was a pretty flat flight.
Oh and one more thing - WATCH OUT FOR THE TREES on short finals !!!!

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