Thursday, January 8, 2009

Flights 46 & 47 : Livingstone to Yamoussoukro via Gabon

Date: Thursday, January 8, 2009
Departure: 04:45
Routing: northwest across Angola
Aircraft: Flight Club Congo Q-400
Altitude: 21,000 feet
Miles: 1,303
Arrival Stats: 07:34 AM local time in Mayumba, Gabon.That's 4.75 long hours or 274 mph.
Notes: Really, nothing to see across Angola, nice flight up the coastline but needed to stop for gas and about a 4.5-hour stretch.
Departure: Noon
Routing: Northwest across the Gulf of Guineato Ivory Coast.
Altitude: 23,000 feet for this leg
Miles: 986 miles
Arrival Stats: Another 3.6 hours or 274 mph.
Notes: Not a very scenic day today. I thought about landing in Luanda Angola but wanted to drive on quickly over this area that seems pretty bare on things to see. The only real High-Light today was flying over where the might Congo River comes into the Atlantic Ocean.
My plan was to land in Libreville, Gabon but with timing and fuel that didn't work out. I also have some simming contacts in Ghana and wanted to tour that nation but then I'd be looking at a LONG flight across Mali and Eastern Mauritania and that doesn't sound fun! However, there is NOTHING in Yamoussoukroeither so a little Ghana tour and then around the coast may be acceptable. We'll see ..................

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