Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Flight 43 : Kigali, Rwanda to Kasaba Bay, Zambia

Date: Wednesday December 31, 2008
Sending 2008 out with a bit of a different kind of flight. Flying around one of my favorite real-world areas, I wanted to see a lot more than just flying over the areas so I set up a zig-zagging course covering about 859 miles in the Worldwide Airways Q-400. My goal was to perform a touch-and-go at EACH airport (unless otherwise noted).

Departure from Kigali at 06:00 AM

Goma, DRC Runway 18 at 05:22 AM

Real-World lava flows have covered the northern 1/3 of the runway/airport so I only use the southern HALF of Goma airport!

Bukavu, DRC Runway 17 at 05:32 AM

Kindu, DRC Runway 18 at 06:21 AM
Nope, not me in the photo!
Bujumbura, Burundi Runway 17 at 07:08 AM.I stopped here for breakfast, departing again at 09:00 AM

Gitega, Burundi Runway 12 at 09:13 AM (Only touched/bounced the mains, little room to roll-out at this airport)

Kigoma, Tanzania Runway 16 at 09:32 AM

Kalemie, DRC (Just across the lake) Runway 24 at 09:49 AM

Kasaba Bay, Zambia Runway 24 at 11:35 AM. Then I stopped for lunch and a change of aircraft departing again at 15:00 but that's the next post.

HAPPY NEW YEAR from Central Africa!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Flight 42 : Debra Tabor, Ethiopia to Kigali, Rwanda

Date: Monday December 22, 2008
Aircraft: Flight Club Goma Q-400
Altitude, 13,000 feet
Routing: South to Lake Victoria and then southwest into Kigali - over some of the most fetile farmlands on the entire planet.

Miles: 890 miles
Arrival Stats: Clear and calm, 15:12 PM or 273 mph, 3.25 hours total flight time.
Notes: Ethiopian highlands, Uganda's Rift Valley, scenic lakes and beautiful northern Rwanda - some of my most favorite real-world places! I'll be happy to spend Christmas right here .....

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Flight 41: Sharm el Sheik to Debra Tabor via Port Sudan

Date: Friday December 19, 2008
Departure: 06:25 AM
As the real world outside is icy and frozen, my goal now is to make it into the warm climates of Central Africa for Christmas. After a few days here, I depart Sharm el Sheik, Egypt just after dawn on Friday morning In the deault, house-color Dash-8, and head down the Red Sea to Eritrea and Ethiopia. I stop for a quick "gas-and-go" in Port Sudan, no even on the ground 30 minutes.
Final stop this AM, just over 1,000 miles for the day is Debra Tabor in central Ethiopia - this area will also be featured next year on
Total time today 4.7 hours, average 212 mph.

Flight 40 : Kahramanmaras to Sharm el Sheik

Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008
Departure: 7:40 AM - a little hazy
Aircraft: Flight Club Mediterranean Q-400
Altitude: Sea Level over the dead sea (Yep, autopilot set at 0000), 8,000 feet getting out of the Turkish mountains and 3,000 along the Jordan River Valley.
Arrival Stats: We were cooking today, 287 mph!
Notes: A beautiful area of Turkey ... then we flew south, along the west coast of Syria and Lebanon, then east over the southern Baka'a Valley, over the Sea of Galilee, then the Dead Sea, then along the Jordan River to the eastern finger of the Red Sea. Very scenic Flight Today. 597 miles total.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Flight 39 : Baku to Kahramanmaras, Turkey

Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Departure: 10 AM
Routing: West over Armenia and eastern Turkey past Mt. Ararat
(This will be the location of our feature Flight of the Month in April 2009 at: Q-400 Firefighter
Altitude: 13,000 feet just to be sure I clear everything
Miles: 732
Arrival Stats: 11:40 AM, 299 mph
Notes: If this area isn't historic then I don't know where is. The world totally and completely changed during Noah's flood but once the ark settled on Mt. Ararat, they stepped out into the world over which we are flying today. I'm sure that Noah's grandchildren, as teenagers, explored all around this area....
171 miles to Gyandzha, Azerbajan
96 miles to Yerevan, Armenia
71 miles to Agri, Turkey
73 miles to Van, Turkey
189 miles to Elazig
56 miles to Mahatya
76 miles to Kahramanmaras