Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Flight 43 : Kigali, Rwanda to Kasaba Bay, Zambia

Date: Wednesday December 31, 2008
Sending 2008 out with a bit of a different kind of flight. Flying around one of my favorite real-world areas, I wanted to see a lot more than just flying over the areas so I set up a zig-zagging course covering about 859 miles in the Worldwide Airways Q-400. My goal was to perform a touch-and-go at EACH airport (unless otherwise noted).

Departure from Kigali at 06:00 AM

Goma, DRC Runway 18 at 05:22 AM

Real-World lava flows have covered the northern 1/3 of the runway/airport so I only use the southern HALF of Goma airport!

Bukavu, DRC Runway 17 at 05:32 AM

Kindu, DRC Runway 18 at 06:21 AM
Nope, not me in the photo!
Bujumbura, Burundi Runway 17 at 07:08 AM.I stopped here for breakfast, departing again at 09:00 AM

Gitega, Burundi Runway 12 at 09:13 AM (Only touched/bounced the mains, little room to roll-out at this airport)

Kigoma, Tanzania Runway 16 at 09:32 AM

Kalemie, DRC (Just across the lake) Runway 24 at 09:49 AM

Kasaba Bay, Zambia Runway 24 at 11:35 AM. Then I stopped for lunch and a change of aircraft departing again at 15:00 but that's the next post.

HAPPY NEW YEAR from Central Africa!

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