Sunday, December 21, 2008

Flight 40 : Kahramanmaras to Sharm el Sheik

Date: Wednesday December 17, 2008
Departure: 7:40 AM - a little hazy
Aircraft: Flight Club Mediterranean Q-400
Altitude: Sea Level over the dead sea (Yep, autopilot set at 0000), 8,000 feet getting out of the Turkish mountains and 3,000 along the Jordan River Valley.
Arrival Stats: We were cooking today, 287 mph!
Notes: A beautiful area of Turkey ... then we flew south, along the west coast of Syria and Lebanon, then east over the southern Baka'a Valley, over the Sea of Galilee, then the Dead Sea, then along the Jordan River to the eastern finger of the Red Sea. Very scenic Flight Today. 597 miles total.

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