Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Flight 39 : Baku to Kahramanmaras, Turkey

Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Departure: 10 AM
Routing: West over Armenia and eastern Turkey past Mt. Ararat
(This will be the location of our feature Flight of the Month in April 2009 at: Q-400 Firefighter
Altitude: 13,000 feet just to be sure I clear everything
Miles: 732
Arrival Stats: 11:40 AM, 299 mph
Notes: If this area isn't historic then I don't know where is. The world totally and completely changed during Noah's flood but once the ark settled on Mt. Ararat, they stepped out into the world over which we are flying today. I'm sure that Noah's grandchildren, as teenagers, explored all around this area....
171 miles to Gyandzha, Azerbajan
96 miles to Yerevan, Armenia
71 miles to Agri, Turkey
73 miles to Van, Turkey
189 miles to Elazig
56 miles to Mahatya
76 miles to Kahramanmaras

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