Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Flight 36 : Almaty to Urgench, Uzbekistan

Date: Tuesday December 9, 2008
Departure: 08:15 AM Almaty time
Routing: Westward!
Aircraft: Widereo Dash-8
Altitude: 9,000 to 13,000 feet
Miles: 738
Arrival Stats: Arrived at 10:40 AM, with time change that is 3.45 hours or 214 mph
Notes: I departed Almaty under clear skies,climbed to 9,000 feet and skirted along the mountains which mark the boarder between Kazakhstan and Kyrgystan. Just 115 miles to Manas near Bishkek. Then I had to climb up to 13,000 feet to clear more mountains before crossing back into Kazakhstan and over Shymkent. Finally over some plains I was able to drop to 8,000 feet for the last hour before coming into Urgench, Uzbekistan.
There really isn't a whole lot here but certainly some fastinating culture ...

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