Monday, May 18, 2009

Flight 57 : Sumbaugh UK to Gander Newfoundland

Date: Thursday into Friday May 7-8, 2009
Departure(s): From Sumbaugh at 19:00 GMT
From Iceland at 22:09 GMT
From Greenland at 01:18 GMT
Routing: Hop-Scotch across the North Atlantic
Aircraft: Air Labrador Q-200
Altitude: 19,000
Miles: 2,091
Arrival Stats: Including the brief stop-overs for gas, stretch and bathrooms it took 9.8 hours to cover the full distance. Average then is 213 mph.
Notes: I had good weather and generally clear skies for my Atlantic Crossing.Seems like it took the sun a long time to set but once it did I had a real treat - about 3 hours of Arora Borealis! Finally I arrived into Gander for the weekend - 'round midnight or 1 AM local time Friday morning.

My plan now was to head
south into the Caribbean and
South America. I was looking
forward to views like this.

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