Thursday, May 28, 2009

Flight 59 : Wiscasset, ME to Jacksonville, FL

Date: Tuesday May 26th, 2009
Departure: 16:55 local time
Routing: Right down the East Coast of USA: Newport - Hartford - New York - Norfolk - Wilmington - Myrtle Beach - Savannah - Jacksonville.
Aircraft: Eastern Airlines Q-400
Altitude: 4,000 feet
Miles: 1,100
Arrival Stats: Arrived after 3.5 hours in the air - just after sunset at 20:27 local time. This equates to 310 mph average - I thought it would have been a bit higher ...
Notes: I was SHOCKED! Wiscasset Maine kept me there two weeks - what a great little place! Anyway, back to flying .... There was certainly more to see and do today - lots of time tuning VORs into the radio! I flew down the eastern seaboard over some better-known cities. Finally I enjoyed the sunset near Savannah, Georgia and just 73 miles later I landed in Jacksonville - Nuclear Powerplant shortly before finals.

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