Monday, May 25, 2009

Flight 58 : Gander to Fuel Range

Date: Tuesday May 12th, 2009

Departure: 05:00 local time
Routing: Down the Eastern shore to see how far I get ...

Aircraft: Canada JAZZ Q-200

Altitude: 4,000 feet
Miles: 718

Arrival Stats: Arrived into Wiscasset Maine at 07:10. With the time change this is 3.2 hours or 224 mph

Notes: After a couple of days in Gander I was ready to head south. I had no real idea how far I was going to make it, just took off and headed southwest along the coastline. Being so far north, things seemed pretty bleak up here and the early morning light provided little color below. I flew over New Foundland and Prince Edward Island, through a couple of storm fronts, nothing big, finally putting down in a cute little village called Wiscasset. ("The prettiest little village in Maine - on the National Historic Registry since 1973)

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