Monday, December 22, 2008

Flight 42 : Debra Tabor, Ethiopia to Kigali, Rwanda

Date: Monday December 22, 2008
Aircraft: Flight Club Goma Q-400
Altitude, 13,000 feet
Routing: South to Lake Victoria and then southwest into Kigali - over some of the most fetile farmlands on the entire planet.

Miles: 890 miles
Arrival Stats: Clear and calm, 15:12 PM or 273 mph, 3.25 hours total flight time.
Notes: Ethiopian highlands, Uganda's Rift Valley, scenic lakes and beautiful northern Rwanda - some of my most favorite real-world places! I'll be happy to spend Christmas right here .....


Unknown said...

real airports to navigate
Excellent read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was also looking for it, And he actually bought me lunch because I found it for him. So I should thank you for the free lunch I got.

Flounder said...

Glad you enjoyed it. I haven't done very much Blogging lately (as you can tell) but I have several articles up on