Monday, December 8, 2008

Flights 34 & 35 : Karachi Pakistan to Almaty, Kazakhstan

Date: Sunday December 7, 2008
Departure: 05:55 AM from Karachi
Routing: Northbound up the heart of Pakistan
Aircraft: Flight Club Mumbai Q400
Altitude: 6,000 feet
Miles: 612
Arrival Stats: Arrived at 08:10 AM which is 2.25 hours or 272 mph
Notes: I departed before dawn from Karachi and flew up the middle of Pakistan into Islamabad, straight-in approach to runway 33. A bit breezy but hardly noticed it ...

Date: Sunday December 7, 2008
Departure: 14:00 from Islamabad
Routing: Pretty much straight north
Aircraft: Flight Club International Q400
Altitude: 15,000 feet but then ended up at 22,000 feet
Miles: 615 and change.
Arrival Stats: This was 3.5 hours or 176 mph - unfortunately this delay meant that I arrived after dark at 17:27.
Notes: What delay you may ask. Here's the deal:
I departed a breezy Islamabad at 14:00, northbound as I had arrived. I began climbing to 15,000 feet and headed for the mountains. We had a feature flight of the month here last year ( so it seemed familiar to me and I was looking forward to some AMAZING scenery.
The further you fly the more spectacular the mountains are! Just over an hour into the flight I happened to be looking down a great valley and I spotted an airport, Chilas. "I have to check that out!"So down I went for a quick touch-and-go. After climbing back up to 15,000 feet however I learned that I'd need to be higher to get back onto my route so I went on up to 19,000 feet. Still not enough I ended up zig-zaging between hills all the way to 22,000 feet and even then there were some peaks higher than my plane .... Once clear of the huge mountains my next waypoint was Kashi in western China, but by then it was getting dark. With clouds and valley fog, I had NOTHING outside until I finally saw the runway lights on short finals into Almaty. Total IFR the last hour of flying - fun actually.


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