Monday, October 27, 2008

Flight 10: Pyongyang to Shanghai

Date: Sunday October 26 2008
Departure: 13:00 local time
Routing: West into China and down the eastern coast - bypassing Beijing.

Aircraft: DeHavilland Dash-8 House Colors

Altitude: 5,000 feet but then had to increase to 9,000 for safety
Miles: 680
Arrival Stats: Much better on the gas this time, 680 miles and still had 21% in the tanks. Three hours equals 226 mph.
Notes: It was a pretty short stop in Pyongyang, just enough time to grab some lunch and make the CFG changes to this unstable little pup - then I was off to Shanghai China! Interesting note about the airport in Pyongyang, the diagonal runway is like two miles from the terminal - weird!

The first half of the flight was uneventful, then the fog or smog or haze set in ... let the video speak for the landing!!

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