Monday, October 6, 2008

The Route - I have no idea

As noted, I've flown many 'Round the World Tours in Flight Simulator and normally I pick my "theme" of various aircraft or weather or route or whatever and plan out my way around. This time will be different! Since this may take me a year or more to complete - I may even upgrade computers and sim versions during that time, I'm going to sort of fly, "where the spirit leads me" so to speak. What I mean is that I will more than likely make up my route as I go along.

Important question one is, "Where do I start?" Well, I don't rightly know but our October 2008 feature flight of the month on is based out of Kenora, Ontario and it seems, since I'm there anyway, I may as well make this my launch point.

Important question two is, "Where to go from here?" There's a part of me that wants to head for Europe but it's October and maybe South America would be better. I'm not really sure but I will tell you that I'm not too likely to strike off across the middle of some continent unless I'm heading for a specific destination. You'll probably see me within a thousand miles of the coast.

My Personal Guidelines:
1- Live, Real Weather downloads
2- Random engine out (one of them)
3- Default FS Flightplanner with GPS. I normally hand-fly everything but the cruise phase of a flight. While I am well-versed in tuning the radios and in VOR/NDB navigation, we must also admit that modern, real-pilots with their FMCs use GPS routing too.
4- Time Acceleration for cruise phase only
5- Realism and Crash Settings to the highest (most real) level
6- Daytime flying which is better for taking photos
7- Default FS9 ATC for departure and arrival
8- Cruise altitude only what I need, maybe 10-12,000?
9- I'll be using the default KingAir 350 panel. Why? Because it has all the basics of what I need, can be easily resized, has all the gauges showing up and no centerpost in the middle of my approach view. So, no, it's not the most real but it's FUNCTIONAL and that's mostly what I look for.
10- Periodic on-line flights with VATSIM (watch for Flounder1)

Wish me luck!

Dash-8s in my Hangar:
  • Flight Club Express Blue
  • Flight Club Express Red
  • Flight Club Express Black
  • Pacific Airways Island Livery
  • Horizon Airways
  • US Airways
  • Icaro Ecuador
  • AIRES Colombia
  • Skipper Airways
  • LIAT Caribbean
  • Widreo
  • Labrador Air
  • Canada JAZZ
  • British West Indies
  • DeHavilland House Colors

Q400 Stretch-Models:

  • Flight Club International
  • Flight Club Arequipa
  • Flight Club Alice Springs
  • Flight Club Mumbai
  • Flight Club Goma
  • Flight Club Congo
  • Flight Club Mediterranean
  • Peru Jaguar
  • Air Canada
  • Alaska Airlines
  • ANA Japan
  • Viking Air
  • Swiss International
  • Goma Airways
  • Tobago Express
  • Air Croatia
  • British Airways
  • Firefighter
  • South African Airlines
  • Air Catalonia
  • Eastern Airlines Express
  • Pacific Blue Airways
  • America West
  • World Wide Virtual
  • Horizon 25th Anniversary
  • AIREXpress

For more information about this or any other flightsim-related topic, please feel free to e-mail me:

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