Monday, October 27, 2008

Flight 11: Shanghai to Taitung Taiwan

Date: Monday October 27th 2008

Departure: 06:08 local Shanghai time

Routing: South along the eastern coast of China, then west over Taipei and down the "Spine" of Taiwan.

Aircraft: Skipper Avaiation Dash-8

Altitude: 5,000 feet, then up to 10,000 over Taiwan

Miles: 556
Arrival Stats: Arrived at 08:33 Monday morning. That's 2.5 hours or 222 mph.
Notes: Departure from Shanghai was just before sunrise. I then skirted along the eastern coast down as far as Fuzhou before turning west to Taipei. From Taipei I climbed up to 10,000 feet
and rode down the bumpy (turbulence) mountainous spine of Taiwan. Eventually I had to disconnect the autopilot and fly by hand to weave and bob through the mountains. I managed to stay at 10,000 feet but it wasn't an easy job to pull off!
Finally clear of the mountains I dropped back down to 5,000 feet and rode along the eastern shores down to Taitung, landing at "Fengnin" airport.
I noted something interesting in FS9 as I was taxiing back to the terminal and that is across the runway from all the buildings MS has put in a BUNCH of taxiways criss-crossing this way and that ... leading to dead-end parking areas and the like. Very odd! But I taxied over near the tower and shut down at 08:33.

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