Monday, October 20, 2008

Flight 3: Juneau to Nome, Alaska

Date: Sunday October 19th, 2008
Departure: 08:33 local time

Weather: Some local fog and drizzle then clearing
Routing: Up the west coast of Alaska, over Anchorage and out across the open tundra to Nome.
Aircraft: Alaska Airlines Q400
Altitude: Not too much to see this time so set cruise at 16,000
Miles: 947
Arrival Stats: 08:30 local time (?) Yep, three hours! Just over 314 mph (See what higher cruise gets you)
Notes: BURR!
After a wet and chilly weekend in Juneau I had another Q400 loaded with two-weeks'-worth of supplies and food -- you never know what the far northern reaches of the arctic will hold for you! I set off from Juneau eastbound, back up that canyon, until I had cleared the local ridges, then I turned north ...
and picked up my route. Along the way to Anchorage I crossed an area that we had toured in March of our first year at
Finally I had the Anchorage VOR showing up and knew that the best was over.
From Anchorage I set out across the open tundra hoping that nothing would break.
I had a couple of waypoints dialed in but in just over an hour I knew I wouldn't need them as the next point showing up on the GPS tracker was Nome - one of the most distant North American Outposts.
I landed easily under clear but cold skies. (I have to wonder if Real-Weather doesn't really work up this far north?)

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