Monday, October 27, 2008

Flight 7: Khabarovsk Russia to Matsumoto Japan

Date: Friday October 24, 2008
Departure: 08:00 local time

Routing: East over Sakhalinsk and then south to Japan crossing Fukushima north of Tokyo.
Aircraft: All Nippon Airways Q400

Altitude: 15,000 feet
Miles: 1045
Arrival Stats: 3.5 hours which works out to 294 mph
Notes: After my harrowing arrival into Khabarovsk just after sunset Thursday I spent the first couple of hours on the ground doing paperwork, then I was off into town to find food and a room. Early Friday morning I was back out at the airport to take an ANA Q400 into central Japan. Departure was clear and breezy and I immediately turned east to cross the southern tip of Sakhalin Island before turning south to Japan. It really is amazing to realize how close Russia and Japan really are. Plenty of water today and not much "texture" over the southern tip of Sakhalin Island so I set cruise at 15,000 feet - at least until we were over Japan. I rode down the eastern flank of the Japan mountain range, a bit south of Tokyo actually to my lunchtime stopover in Matsumoto. The new city of Matsumoto is the city comprising the mergers of the old city of Matsumoto and four villages.
It is surrounded by mountains and is acclaimed for its beautiful views.
Hiking and climbing locations in the mountains are readily accessible by local bus transportation. Matsumoto is attractive to travellers not only because of the traditional culture but also its calm climate and its products.

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