Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Flight 15 : Roxas to Butuan

After lunch and "half-a-day" in Roxas I was moving on ...
Date: Monday November 10, 2008
Departure: 15:00
Routing: Roughly south, over Tacloban

Aircraft: Eastern Q400
Altitude: 4,000 feet
Miles: 276
Arrival Stats: Blustery, rainy, warm. 16:12 or 230 mph
Notes: I left after lunch and it was a little breezy but my-oh-my was this a bumpy flight!The first part to Tacloban was mainly over water and not too terrible but then the bumps started and it was non-stopall the way to the shoreline. I followed the VOR in for a pretty good visual landing - no ILS here anyway!

Here's a little video of the landing:

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