Monday, November 17, 2008

Flight 17 : Davao, Philippines to Sorong, Indonesia

Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Departure: 05:00 AM
Routing: South and then Southeast over some of Indonesia's 15,000 islands
Aircraft: Pacific Airways Q400
Altitude: 6,000 feet at first then down to 4,000 feet
Miles: 733
Arrival Stats: 07:30 local in Sorong - just in time for breakfast. That's 293 mph!

Notes: Because we were heading almost due south out of Davao we had to climb to 6,000 feet to clear all the mountains. Once we crossed General Santos and left the Philippines we could drop down to 4,000 and scoot right along. Lots of water today but also several scenic volcanic islands skattered along the way. Along with all of the other waypoints, our midway marker was Manado, Indonesia. The weather in Sorong was great, clear, warm and calm. Spent most of the day Friday there.

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