Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Flights 23 & 24 : Darwin, Australia to Ruteng, Indonesia

Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Departure: 10:00 AM
Routing: Northwest over Timor then west across Indonesia.
Aircraft: Pacific Airways Islands Livery
Altitude: 4,000 feet to Timor then up to 5,000 feet
Miles: 566 miles
Arrival Stats: Arrived at 12:27 PM which is average of 226 mph
Notes: After nearly a week touring the far northern areas of Australia and the Timor Sea I was back into the Pacific Islands livery Dash-8 to head into Indonesia. There was a bit of wind in Darwin but then I had smooth sailing. The first 380 miles is over water until landfall again where Indonesia and Timor boarder each other. At that point I had to climb up to 5,000 feet to clear the local volcanos and I continued another 186 miles to Wai Oti where I stopped off for lunch.

Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Departure: 15:00 PMRouting: Continuing West across Indonesia
Aircraft: Pacific Airways Islands Livery
Altitude: 4,000 feet
Miles: 103 miles
Arrival Stats: This was a very short hop to Ruteng - an airport on a plateau.
Notes:Man! This is really a beautiful area! A great place for to host a future feature "Flight of the Month"! I had thought about continuing on from here, only another 30 minutes to the larger town of Bima but I had also planned a change of aircraft here so ended up spending the night.

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