Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Flight 25 : Ruteng to Malang Indonesia

Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Departure: 09:40 AM

Routing: Continuing west across Indonesia to Bali, then a bit northwest.
Aircraft: LIAT Carribean Airlines - I know, Indonesia is nowhere NEAR the Carribean but I have other aircraft to fly in that area and looking at the sea and islands and mountains the plane sorta fits the scenery so don't e-mail me with your concerns, just enjoy the flight this morning.
Altitude: 6,000 feet to Bali, then up to 11,000 feet into Malang
Miles: 467 total
Arrival Stats: Just under two hours or 246 mph
Notes: The next morning I depart Ruteng and have several short waypoints on the way to Bali. We pass over Bima, Sumbawa, Mataramand Bali on the way into Malang which sets up in the central hills of Java, 154 miles from Despansur.
Again, nothing but great scenery along here including a lake far up in the top of a volcano! It's all great stuff and I'll be working up a feature Flight of the Month for 2010!
While you all are getting ready for Thanksgiving in the USA, I'm loading up for my next legs from Java up to Sumatra -- can you say, "Smell the Coffee" ?

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