Sunday, November 30, 2008

Flights 27 & 28 : Bandar Lampung to Banda Aceh via Aek Godang

Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Departure: 2:00 PM
Routing: Continuing my zig-zag course up Sumatra
Aircraft: LIAT Caribbean Airways
Altitude: 6,000 feet until just before Aek Godang when I had to climb up to 9,000 feet to clear the mountains.
Miles: The first three-quarters of the afternoon's flying totaled 592 miles
Arrival Stats: 15:22 for a very quick gas-and-go. That's 2.4 hours or 246 mph
Notes: I had hoped to make it all the way to Banda Aceh (Famous for the profound destruction following an earthquake and tsunami three years ago) but with fuel running a bit low I opted to take a quick gas-and-go pit stop in Aek Godang.

Date: Friday November 28, 2008
Departure: 15:45 PM
Routing: Over to the eastern coast of Sumatra and up to the northern tip.
Aircraft: LIAT Caribbean Airways
Altitude: 6,500 feet
Miles: 374 miles for this last bit, 1.75 hours which equals 213 mph
Arrival Stats: Immediately after sunset, 17:27 PM
Notes: After a very brief pit stop in Aek Godang I continued up to my goal for the weekend, Banda Aceh. Our January 2006 Feature Flight of the Month at was here - written just weeks before the terrible earthquake and tsunami that struck the end of December 2005. Even three years later the destruction here is very notable and since I never fly on Saturdays I spent the day distributing goods I had packed along in the little Dash-8.

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