Monday, November 17, 2008

Flight 18 : Sorong, Indonesia to ... a little problem

Date: Friday November 14, 2008
Departure: 15:20
Routing: Continueing southeast to the island of New Guinea. (Planned on landing on the Indonesia side of things.)
Aircraft: Pacific Airways Q400
Altitude: 4,000 feet but eventually had to climb up to 13,000 feet over New Guinea
Miles: Total today ended up at 1,000
Arrival Stats: Well ... it was 19:42 when I finally parked which meant 3.25 hours or 307 mph
Notes: I left Sorong in the mid afternoon, really not calculating that half of my route was heading east - away from the sun! I crossed Timika, Indonesia and noted that it was getting dark out. But I had had such a wonderful day in Sorong I wasn't ready to land yet so set my sights on Merauke Indonesia.
This is on the island of New Guinea where we ( have flown before and certainly fuel on board was not a problem - yet. I had to climb to 13,000 feet to clear the amazing mountains here! As I set up for landing I couldn't help but notice how amazingly DARK the world was. This is, after all, New Guinea! "Drat!" I had been foiled again! Immediately I entered coordinates for Port Morseby, PNG into the GPS and continued there - to the lighted and more civilized airport. Weather, landing and facilities were all more then adequate for my needs.

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