Sunday, November 30, 2008

Flight 26 : Malang to Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Date: Friday November 28th, 2008
Departure: 8:50 AM
Routing: Zig-Zag to the northwest up the islands of Java and Sumatra
Aircraft: LIAT Caribbean
Altitude: 9,000 feet
Miles: Total for this leg is 478 miles
Arrival Stats: Arrived at 11 AM, 2.2 hours or 217 mph average (with wind)
Notes: After a couple of short days in Malang I was ready to head on through Indonesia - the people here have been nothing less than great hosts but time was marching on. I headed out just a bit before 9 AM on Friday with the following waypoints:
Tangerang (Near Jakarta)
Bandar Lampung
This flight included hills, mountains, water, clouds and a bit of wind but I arrived before lunch with no worries.

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